18 simple and inexpensive ideas to make your apartment look great


To make your apartment look stylish and luxurious, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. In fact, all you have to do is use your imagination, and the interior of your home can be transformed for the better.

We at Bright Side has compiled 18 simple ideas to help you in this most pleasant task.

Braiding will add elegance to ordinary curtains.

A plain white refrigerator can be transformed into a designer model with the aid of decorative tape.

Mirrors on doors help to give the impression of more living space.

You can decorate your shower curtain with ribbons.

Multi-coloured, transparent curtains can really brighten things up.

Old lampshades or fastenings can be used as curtain holders.

The right way to lay a carpet in a bedroom.

A cake stand will give your bathroom a vintage look.

A decorative ventilation panel looks much more appealing, don’t you think?

Bright curtains fastened with magnets are a simple way to make the interior of your home more colourful.

Unsightly shelves can be hidden behind drapes.

Television cables can be concealed by using rods for shower curtains.

Vinyl stickers make for an interesting interior decoration.

If you fix curtain rails to the ceiling above your bed, your room will look much more interesting.

Curved curtain rails make windows seem much bigger.

If you paint the lower two thirds of the walls, the ceiling will seem higher.

Try putting flat-screen TVs in picture frames; it’s easy to do, and looks very stylish.

Painting the sides of draws can give a children’s bedroom a more cheerful look.

Sursa: brightside.me



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