Iata cum sa inlaturi o unghie care creste sub piele, fara ajutorul chirurgiei

Un articole de Petrut

Multe lucruri care apar pe corpul uman pot provoca probleme serioase de sanatate.

Unghiile crescute sub piele reprezinta una dintre ele.

Aceasta afectiune este considerata boala cronica, care apare atunci cand coltul exterior al unghiei creste in carnea moale. Unghiile de sub piele pot provoca dureri severe in timpul mersului, insa exista numeroase metode prin care sa fie extrase.

Daca nu vrei sa irosesti bani pe operatii chirurgicale, inlatur-o acasa.

Dilueaza 3 linguri de bicarbonat in CITESTE IN CONTINUARE

Sursa: secretele.com

12 Nail Shapes You Need To Try Right Now

Just when you thought you had a solid grasp on the nail industry, this article gets shoved in your face. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! I had no idea there were so many different nail shape possibilities. When it comes to anything related to nails, I’m as vanilla as you can get. Most of the time, I sport a natural, bare nail look, and if I manage to find time to slap on a coat of polish, it’s one simple, traditional color. I certainly learned a thing or two from this article, and I hope you will too!

1. Round

This nail shape works best for those of you wanting to keep your manicures short. One of the benefits of a round tip is it’s harder to chip because there aren’t any ridged edges to catch on things.

1. Round
via Instagram / @nailsbycapps

2. Square

This is a very common, popular style that is perfect for French manicures. It works best for individuals looking to maintain a medium or long nail length.

2. Square
via Instagram / @lefthandgyrlnails

3. Stiletto

Anyone wishing to elongate shorter fingers tend to gravitate toward this style. These nails are insanely long, and not very practical, but if you can rock it, go ahead and do so!

3. Stiletto
via Instagram / @kims_nailpage

4. Almond

Like the Stiletto shape, Almond nails lengthen and slenderize fingers. However, because this look requires extensive filing along each side of the nail, it is a very weak shape and can easily break.

4. Almond
via Instagram / @hand_bananass

5. Squared Oval

Also known as the „Squoval„, this shape is the most flattering one of them all. Pretty much anyone can pull off this look!

5. Squared Oval
via Instagram / @benailed_on_facebook

6. Ballerina

This shape is sometimes referred to as „Coffin” and is basically a Stiletto nail with a squared tip. The tip gives the shape its name because it looks like a pointe shoe.

6. Ballerina
via Instagram / @barukhbeautysalon

7. Mountain Peak

The difference between this style and Stiletto is the length. Mountain Peak nails are much shorter than Stiletto, making them a bit easier to wear.

7. Mountain Peak
via Instagram / @craftyyyy_nails

8. Flare

Another name for this nail shape is „Duck Feet”. Believe it or not, many nail techs refuse to do Flare nails because the look they create is the exact opposite of what many of them were trained to do. It’s viewed as an industry no-no and goes against nail sculpting standards!

8. Flare
via Instagram / @chicnailbar

9. Lipstick

This look is best achieved through acrylics. The tip of the nail is shaped to mimic the slanted top of lipstick.

9. Lipstick
via Instagram / @harlowvanityparlour

10. Oval

If your nail bed is wide and narrow, this is a great option for you. Oval nails combine the positive elementsof Almond, Square, and Round styles, making them strong and pretty.

10. Oval
via Instagram / @benailed_on_facebook

11. Arrowhead

This nail shape resembles exactly what you would expect: an arrowhead! A file is used to create straight sides that then sweep sharply into a v-shaped point.

12. Edge

This final style resembles the Arrowhead shape, but is MUCH longer. It’s quite unconventional, to say the least, and can’t be worn by everyone.

12. Edge
via Instagram / @lisapetkin

Main image via Instagram / @chicnailbar

Collage image via tumblr / ashmeadowmelts

Sursa: diply.com

Un truc exceptional pentru intarirea si stimularea cresterii unghiilor folosind un singur ingredient

Un articol de Maya

Iata un truc de infrumusetare care stimuleaza cresterea unghiilor si le reda aspectul sanatos. Este vorba despre un remediu cu usturoi.
Usturoiul este un antiseptic natural care previne infectiile si ajuta la repararea unghiilor si a cuticulelor vatamate.


Lacul de unghii cu usturoi

Desi usturoiul se foloseste mai ales pentru gatit, poate deveni la fel de bine un aliat de nadejde in tratamentele de infrumusetare.


Ai nevoie de:
• usturoi
• lac de unghii incolor
• o chiureta pentru CITESTE IN CONTINUARE


Sursa: secretele.com

Iata rezultatul uimitor al folosirii pastei de dinti pe unghiile vopsite cu oja!

Un articol de Maya

Mentinerea unghiilor naturale in stare impecabila poate fi o sarcina dificila, mai ales atunci cand unghiile se pateaza sau se decoloreaza ca urmare a folosirii lacului pentru unghii. Dar o vloggerita specializata pe metode de infrumusetare si probleme de stil de viata a descoperit recent un mod foarte eficient de a elimina aceste pete incapatanate.


Metoda presupune folosirea de pasta de dinti cu efect de albire!


In unele cazuri, unghiile ies la lumina de la prima curatare cu pasta de CITESTE IN CONTINUARE


Sursa: secretele.com

Cum sa tratezi eficient unghiile incarnate

Un articol de Maya

Unghiile incarnate se datoreaza infectiilor pielii si a tesutului din jurul unghiei.
Multi oameni se confrunta cu astfel de probleme. Unghiile sufera aceasta transformare atunci cand pielea de pe una dintre fete sau de pe ambele fete ale unghiilor creste peste marginile unghiilor, sau atunci cand unghia in sine creste in piele si in tesutul moale din jurul sau.
Semne si simptome ale unei unghii incarnate:


-Dureri in regiunea unghiilor.
-Problemele se accentueaza la purtarea de pantofi CITESTE IN CONTINUARE


Sursa: secretele.com