Daca ai crezut ca semintele de avocado sunt inutile, te-ai inselat – Acestea pot ajuta organismul sa lupte impotriva cancerului!

Un articol de Razvan

Semintele de avocado contin tanin, un compus toxic intr-o oarecare masura, dar ar trebui sa consumi intr-o cantitate mai mare ca sa resimti efectele negative asupra sanatatii. Un studiu publicat in Jurnalul de Stiinta Mondiala, in 2013, a aratat ca extractul de seminte de avocado nu este periculos pentru consum.
Ele sunt bogate in folati, vitamina B, fibre solubile, reprezentand o sursa de fitochimicale active. Mai mult, ele contin acizi grasi, fitosterol, acid abscisic, glucide si CITESTE IN CONTINUARE


Sursa: secretele.com

Guacamole – reteta de baza


Reteta de guacamole are o istorie luuuunga, fiind gatita inca de pe vremea aztecilor, care ii spuneau ahuaca-mulli, in traduce libera sos de avocado. Guacamole isi are originea in Mexic si este un dip pe baza de avocado. In mod traditional, se face prin pisarea intr-un mojar sculptat din roca vulcanica a unui avocado bine copt, insa in timp s-au adaugat retetei ingrediente noi si zic eu, foarte bine-venite: ceapa tocata marunt, rosii, suc de lime, chilli, iaurt si diverse condimente. E foarte important ce fel de avocado folositi pentru ca reteta sa va iasa perfect. Desi in magazinele noastre toate tipurile sunt numite generic AVOCADO, sigur ati remarcat ca sunt diverse tipuri: unele sunt mai lunguiete, altele mai rotunde, unele mai verzi, altele de un mov inchis, spre negru. Acesta din urma este avocado Hass, care e cel mai bun pentru guacamole si are coaja aproape neagra cand e foarte bine copt.

De ce v-am propus reteta asta pentru micul dejun? Pentru ca avocado, vedeta retetei, contine circa 20 nutrienti esentiali, inclusiv fibre, potasiu, vitamina E si acid folic. Avocado actioneaza ca un nutrient booster, impulsionand organismul sa absoarba mai multi nutrienti (alfa si beta caroten, luteina) din alimentele pe care le consumam impreuna cu avocado. In plus, ca sa va conving si mai mult sa nu mai treceti pe langa avocado in hypermarket si sa ii dati o sansa la masa voastra, trebuie sa va spun ca studiile au demonstrat ca avocado inhiba cancerul la prostata si are un rol foarte important in prevenirea cancerului in general. Si cireasa de pe tort (pe langa multe altele pe care nu le mai insir aici), avocado scade nivelul colesterolului din organism.

– 2 avocado bine coapte
– 1/2 ceapa tocata marunt
– 1/2 lingurita ardei iute tocat marunt
– 2-3 catei de usturoi
– o lingura suc de lamaie sau lime
– o rosie fara seminte si tocata marunt
– coriandru proaspat dupa gust
– sare si piper dupa gust

guacamole reteta de baza

Mai intai si mai intai avem nevoie de avocado bine copt, care e moale cand il apasam usor. Daca va intra degetul cu totul in el cand apasati…e stricat, sa fim bine intelesi :) Dar cum o sa gasiti rar, dar foarte rar avocado copt in magazine, aflati ca el se coace de la sine daca il punem pur si simplu pe blatul de bucatarie si il lasam cam o saptamana. Daca nu aveti vreme o saptamana pana se coace, puteti sa il puneti intr-o punga de hartie, inchisa la culoare, asa grabim timpul de coacere si e gata copt in 1-2-maxim 3 zile . Cand e copt, cu ajutorul lui bunu Dumnezo, e momentul sa il taiem de jur imprejur, sa dam un cutit samburelui, care va iesi foarte usor si apoi scoatem miezul cu lingurita. Nimic mai simplu. La capitolul “cum maruntim avocado?” avem mai multe optiuni: fie il dati prin bleder, daca va place un guacamole foarte fin (dar varianta asta, sincera sa fiu, mie nu imi place DELOC) fie il pisam cu furculita sau cu instrumental pentru facut piure de cartofi, asa cum am facut eu. Daca instrumental asta are un nume, spuneti-mi-l si mie :) Dupa ce avocado e maruntit, taiem ceapa marunt, rosiile marunt, ardeiul iute ghiciti cum?…marunt! :) Taiem coriandrul si mai marunt, usturoiul il dam pe razatoare sau prin presa de usturoi si amestecam toate ingredientele. Musai sa punem sucul de lamaie pentru ca avocado, o data curatat, se oxideaza foarte repede!

guacamole reteta de baza

Puteti sa il mancati asa cum e…nu de alta, dar e foarte bun, ca nu degeaba i se spune HOLY Guacamole, dar daca insitatti voi musai musai, puteti sa il serviti cu nachos sau cu tortillas pe post de dip sau in orice alta combinatie, pe post de aperitiv. Ca unde punem o salata de vinete pe masa, merge sa punem si un guacamole, pe cuvantul meu de Teo! V-am pupat maxim!

guacamole reteta de baza

guacamole reteta de baza

guacamole reteta de baza

Sursa: www.teoskitchen.ro

24 Diagrams To Help You Eat Healthier


1. For eating your fill of fruit.

For eating your fill of fruit.
Photos by Grace Hitchcock for PopSugar / Via popsugar.com

You know you’re supposed to be eating a few servings of fruit every day… but how much fruit makes one serving? Now you know, thanks to PopSugar.

2. For dinners that are healthy AND quick.

For dinners that are healthy AND quick.
Women’s Health / Via womenshealthmag.com

Read more about what makes these stupid easy meals so healthy here: What Nutritionists Eat When They Only Have 5 Minutes to Prep a Meal, via Women’s Health.

3. For when you’re trying to eat Paleo.

For when you're trying to eat Paleo.
Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed / Via buzzfeed.com

Read our Ultimate Guide to Paleo for more tips and tricks on how to make it work for you.

4. For picking the perfect avocado.

For picking the perfect avocado.
Northwest Edible Life / Via nwedible.com

Because no one likes a rotten avocado. Get more details here, at Northwest Edible Life.

5. For blending the smoothie of your dreams.

For blending the smoothie of your dreams.
Lexi / Lexi’s Clean Kitchen / Via lexiscleankitchen.com

Smoothies can make great healthy breakfasts (that also taste amazing). Read more about it (and all about the health benefits of bananas) at Lexi’s Clean Kitchen.

6. For smoothies that are even simpler.

For smoothies that are even simpler.
Daily Burn / Via dailyburn.com

Three-ingredient smoothies? Doesn’t get much easier than that. And here are 8 MORE healthy smoothies that only use three ingredients. SO MANY SMOOTHIES.

7. For packing the perfect Mason jar salad.

For packing the perfect Mason jar salad.
Beth / Eat Within Your Means / Via eatwithinyourmeans.com

Get the recipe here. And for more like this, check out 18 Mason Jar Salads That Make Perfect Healthy Lunches.

8. For brewing an excellent cup of tea.

For brewing an excellent cup of tea.

Learn more about the different types of teas here.

9. For making yummy, healthy soups.

For making yummy, healthy soups.
Shape / Via shape.com

These soups all use the same basic recipe. Check out more information at All Souped Up, via Shape.

10. For a super simple DIY salad dressing.

For a super simple DIY salad dressing.
Kath Eats Real Food / Via katheats.com

Kath from KathEats.com is a registered dietician and really knows her stuff. Check out her post DIY Salad Dressing for the complete recipe (and some yummy-looking salads).

11. For when you’re cooking healthy for one.

For when you're cooking healthy for one.
Greatist / Via greatist.com

No more sad frozen dinners for you. You can totally cook and eat healthy all on your own. Read all about it at The Ultimate Healthy Grocery List When You’re Cooking for One, via Greatist.

12. For making all the healthiest grains.

For making all the healthiest grains.
PopSugar / Via popsugar.com

Branch out from your standard brown rice and quinoa and try some other grains this year too. Check out more great tips at How to Cook Grains at PopSugar.

13. For estimating portion sizes.

For estimating portion sizes.
Guard Your Health Campaign / Via guardyourhealth.com

It’s hard to measure out a half-cup of this or three ounces of that. Make it easy by using your hand as a guide.

14. For vegetarians who want some more protein.

For vegetarians who want some more protein.

Get more information, and tons of good recipes, at 12 Complete Proteins Vegetarians Need to Know About, via Greatist.

15. For spotting added sugar in your food.

For spotting added sugar in your food.
Women’s Health / Via womenshealthmag.com

Most Americans eat way too much added sugar (between two and three times the recommended amount!). One way to cut back is to read ingredient lists and look for any of these words. Get more information at 56 Different Names for Sugar, viaWomen’s Health.

16. For getting your nuts straight.

For getting your nuts straight.
Life by Daily Burn / Via dailyburn.com

Nuts can make a great healthy snack. Pack little baggies to bring to work with you every day.

17. For choosing the best veggies.

For choosing the best veggies.

Don’t get it twisted: Adding any vegetables to your life where they didn’t exist before is a step in the right direction. But if you’re looking for the absolute most nutritious of the healthy foods, this chart can help.

18. For more exciting hummus flavors.

For more exciting hummus flavors.
Shape / Via shape.com

Learn all the great things about hummus at 13 Different Ways to Make Hummus, via Shape.

19. For marinating your meat just the way you like it.

For marinating your meat just the way you like it.
BuzzFeed / Via buzzfeed.com

Cooking your own food is usually healthier than eating out, and making tasty food will make you want to do that more. From How to Marinate and Make Better Food.

20. For healthy recipe substitutions.

For healthy recipe substitutions.
Greatist / Via greatist.com

Check out 83 Healthy Recipe Substitutions at Greatist for even more awesome swaps.

21. For when you’re tired of eating the same old salad.

For when you're tired of eating the same old salad.
Prevention / Via prevention.com

Read more at Salads That’ll Make You Love Lunch Again, via Prevention.

22. For eating all your vitamins.

For eating all your vitamins.

Gotta catch ‘em all.

23. For remembering all your superfoods.

For remembering all your superfoods.
Greatist / Via greatist.com

Find out what they all are here, at The Healthiest Superfoods, A – Z, via Greatist.

24. For how to store all your healthy foods.

For how to store all your healthy foods.
Jenny Chang for BuzzFeed / Via buzzfeed.com

It’s hard to eat clean when your food is spoiled. Keep it fresh and safe with this chart.

Sursa: http://www.architecturendesign.net

Cum sa imbatranim frumos si sanatos

Secretele unei imbatraniri frumoase si sanatoase

Cred ca deocamdata este prea mult sa ne gandim sa pacalim imbatranirea, dar ceea ce putem face este sa imbatranim cu cap. Toata lumea vrea sa scape de imbatranire, de fapt noi vrem sa scapam de moarte. Slabe sanse, insa ceea ce pot eu sa fac este sa va prezint un articol (compus din mai multe articole pe care le-am citit cu mare interes) de unde putem sa aflam cum sa imbatranim frumos.

Incepem, deci, cu gandirea pozitiva, continuam cu alimentele pe care trebuie sa le consumam si terminam  CITESTE IN CONTINUARE

Sursa: www.secretele.com

