Leacul minune care te scapa oboseala si iti curata sangele!

Pentru ca toxinele sa nu se acumuleze in sange, este nevoie sa apelezi din cand in cand la procedee de detoxifiere. Surplusul de toxine in sange cauzeaza oboseala cronica, probleme de balonare si tulburari circulatorii.

Aceste probleme pot fi rezolvate cu usurinta cu ajutorul bauturii descrise in continuare. Tot ce-ti trebuie pentru a o prepara este vin rosu,putin usturoi si o radacina de ghimbir. Acest elixir purifica sangele prin eliminarea lipidelor si sarurilor in exces, precum si prin echilibrarea metabolismului.

 Ingrediente:• 12 catei de usturoi tocati marunt

• O radacina de ghimbir (3-4 cm) tocata marunt

• O jumatate de litru de vin rosu


Curata cateii de usturoi si ghimbirul, taie-i cubulete si pune-i intr-un recipient din sticla. Adauga peste usturoi si ghimbir o jumatate de litru de vin rosu, apoi inchide etans recipientul cu un capac, noteaza secretele.

Tine preparatul la lumina solara timp de doua saptamani (14 zile). Agita in fiecare zi continutul sticlei.

Dupa doua saptamani, strecoara continutul si toarna-l din nou in acelasi recipient dupa ce il speli bine cu apa.

Ia 1 lingurita de trei ori pe zi, timp de o luna.


Acest remediu este deosebit de eficient pentru curatarea si imbunatatirea calitatii sangelui, dar este si foarte puternic. De aceea se recomanda sa faci o pauza de circa sase luni intre tratamente

Sursa: m.caplimpede.ro

7 Simple Exercises That Will Transform Your Body in Just 4 Weeks

The new year has arrived, and with it, thoughts about getting fit and ready for the spring. However, these intentions tend to not last as long as we would like them to.

To get you in shape, we at Bright Side have come up with some simple exercises that will change how you look in as little as four weeks. You won’t have to go to the gym or buy any special equipment — all you need is determination and ten minutes a day.


A plank is a static exercise, which means you don’t need to move while doing it, but simply hold your body in the correct position instead. To do it right, follow the example shown in the picture and prop yourself on your elbows, forearms, and forefeet. It’s important to keep your back perfectly straight without your waist lowered or your bottom upraised. If you don’t have difficulties keeping your body in the elbow plank, then something’s not right. While in this position, the muscles that keep you straight are being worked, such as the abs, arm muscles, back, and anterior thigh muscles.


To do a correct push-up, assume the plank as the initial position, and then push yourself up with your arms. The most important thing is to keep your back, bottom, and legs in a straight line — this will strain your abs as well as your arms. The next step is to return to the initial position as slowly as possible.

Toning your thigh and bottom muscles

Begin the exercise as shown in the picture, propping yourself on your hands and knees. Then, stretch one leg, trying to keep it straight and not letting it go to the side or bend while raising and stretching the opposite arm at the same time. After that, do the same for the other arm and leg.


Squatting is all about balance — put your feet shoulder-width apart and stand on the soles of your feet. Then, begin squatting as if slowly sitting down on a low imaginary chair. Your knees and feet should form a straight line. Try to pull the small of your back in as far as you can. You may also help keep your balance by stretching your arms out in front of you, as shown in the picture. When you are down, start pushing yourself up as slowly as you can.

Ab exercises

Lie on your back and stretch your arms up, then slowly raise one of your legs, bent at the knee, and touch it with your hand, as you can see above. Return to the initial position and repeat with the other leg and arm. Don’t forget about the main rule here — the left arm goes to the left leg, and the right arm goes to the right one.

Abs and buttocks

First, prop yourself on your hands and feet so that your body forms a triangle above the floor. Raise one of your legs as high as you can, as seen in the first picture, and then lower it slowly and try to touch the tip of your nose with your knee. Return to the initial position and do the same with the other leg.


Take up the initial position with your legs set widely apart and slightly bent at the knees and with your back propped against the wall. Then, lace your fingers or take a ball, as shown in the picture, and slowly move your hands from side to side, trying to touch the wall with them and, most importantly, keeping upright.

The four-week plan

Week 1:

Do the following for six days:

2 minutes plank;

1 minute push-ups;

1 minute abs and thighs;

1 minute abs;

1 minute abs and buttocks;

1 minute waist;

2 minutes plank.

Have a ten-second break between the exercises.

Week 2:

Alternate the following sets for 6 days.

Set 1:

3 minutes plank;

3 minutes abs;

3 minutes thighs and buttocks.

Have a 15-second break between the exercises.

Set 2:

3 minutes waist;

3 minutes push-ups;

3 minutes abs and buttocks.

Have a 15-second break between the exercises.

Week 3: repeat the Week 1 set.

Week 4: repeat the Week 2 sets.

If you do everything correctly, you will achieve amazing results in just a month and, as a bonus, develop a habit of doing this simple ten-minute set of exercises every day. And if you want to improve your body even more, then doubling the effort is all you need to do!

Photo credit: popsuga

Sursa: brightside.me

This Simple Guide Will Make You a Guru of Massage

A relaxing massage doesn’t require any specific methods. You can easily give a great massage by following the guide that Bright Side has prepared for you.

First of all, provide a comfortable temperature: it shouldn’t be excessively hot or cold in the room. Take into account the fact that the body cools during the process. It’s better to give a massage on a hard surface, focusing on the neck, shoulders, and back.


Start with light massaging moves. You should move from the shoulders to the waist and back. The movements to the shoulders should be more intense but still soft at this stage.


Use your entire palm during the process. You can start enhancing the moves.


You can pay special attention to the shoulders, as they’re particularly affected by a sedentary lifestyle. Just increase the massage time in this area. You can apply acupressure techniques, gently pressing on specific points.


Don’t massage the spine in any case. When working in this area, move along the back long muscle fibers.


All kinds of limb massage start with light warming strokes. If there are problem areas with localized pain, they should be massaged by pressing on them alternately with thumb pads (first one calf, then the other).


The basic requirements to perform facial massage are: the muscles you’re working with should be maximally relaxed; the massage is performed smoothly, rhythmically, slowly, and painlessly; you move in the direction of muscle fibers; when rubbing the captured skin, gently squeeze it and press to the facial bones.

You can end the massage session with light patting or moving across the back (bottom-up) with your fingertips. This will soothe the skin.

Illustrated by Astkhik Rakimova for BrightSide.me
Based on materials from imgur.com

Sursa: brightside.me

Reflexologia – la fel de eficienta in reducerea durerii ca unele medicamente

Originea reflexologiei isi are radacinile in vechiul Egipt in jurul anului 2.330 I.C., conform unor inscriptii descoperite pe mormantul unui medic (mastaba).

Reflexologia este o stiinta si o terapie holistica. Este o metoda antica de vindecare ce functioneaza in baza conceptului ca pe talpi si in palme exista reflexe si puncte ce corespund fiecarui organ, glanda si parte a corpului. Se foloseste o tehnica de compresie cu ajutorul degetului mare si al aratatorului pentru a face conexiunea dintre aceste puncte si zonele de energie din corp. Reflexologia este aplicabila tuturor sistemelor din corp.

Cum functioneaza reflexologia:

    • Prin zone de energie – chi; presiune exercitata asupra punctelor care au legatura cu alte parti ale corpului.
  • Prin decongestionarea circulatiei sanguine la nivelul capilarelor imbunatatind fluxul de sange in corp.
  • Prin eliberarea tensiunii din corp ca urmare a actionarii asupra sistemului nervos ajutand corpul sa reactioneze intr-o maniera sanatoasa la stimuli si stres. Exista o relatie neurologica confirmata stiintific intre piele si organe.
  • Prin ameliorarea problemelor si tensiunii de la nivelul talpilor.

Ce face reflexologia:

  • Amelioreaza stresul si tensiunea, produce o relaxare “profunda”.
  • Imbunatateste circulatia si fluxul limfei.
  • Creaza homeostaza care ajuta corpul sa se linisteasca sau sa se revigoreze.
  • Reduce durerea la nivelul picioarelor si creaza o mai buna flexibilitate.

Eunice D. Ingham, fondatorul Metodei Ingham de reflexologie, a scris intr-un fragment din cartea sa , ca

“…reflexologia este un mijloc de a echilibra circulatia. Stim ca circulatia inseamna viata. Stagnarea inseamna moarte. Tot ce se afla in jurul nostru si este viu se afla in miscare.”

Intr-o sesiune de reflexologie se actioneaza asupra depozitelor (alcatuite din calciu sau fosfor anorganic, acid uric, acid lactic sau chiar substante poluante din aer, apa sau alimente, care nu au putut fi eliminate de plamani, ficat, rinichi sau piele) care se afla in vasele mici de sange ale extremitatilor. Aceste depozite sunt impinse de la nivelul terminatiilor nervoase in decursul sesiunii de reflexologie si sparte.


Exista peste 7.200 de terminatii nervoase in fiecare talpa. Terminatiile nervoase din talpi sunt legate, la randul lor, prin coloana vertebrala si creier, cu toate partile din corp.

Cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Portsmouth au descoperit in urma unui studiu ca oamenii au resimtit cu aproximativ 40% mai putina durere marindu-si in acelasi timp rezistenta la durerea fizica in medie cu 45% atunci cand au folosit reflexologia ca metoda alternativa de ameliorare a durerii.

Astfel de rezultate nu pot decât sa indice ca reflexoterapia ar putea fi folosita in completarea tratamentelor conventionale pentru tratarea afectiunilor ce implica durere fizica, precum osteoartrita,durerile de spate dar si unele tipuri de cancer.

Talpile si palmele sunt folosite in reflexologie pentru ca sunt ca o reflexie la scara mica a corpului. Talpile si palmele gazduiesc o multitudine de terminatii nervoase. Sunt locatia perfecta de lucru – pacientul se simte in siguranta si in plus tehnica nu este una invaziva.






Sursa articol: viataverdeviu.ro

Seven fantastic exercises to give you a healthy spine

Back pain is no joke. Regardless of whether someone has a highly active lifestyle or is completely lazy, every one of us risks damaging our spine through our everday activities.
Luckily for you, we’ve found a few simple, but very effective exercises which are guaranteed to help you get rid of back pain you might experience.

Exercise 1

Lie on your back. Bend your right leg at the knee. Stretch out your left leg above your head. Grasp it with both hands under the knee, and pull it towards your torso. Hold this pulling motion for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise twice for both legs.

Exercise 2

Lie on your back and bend both legs at the knee. Grasp your left leg with both hands at the knee and pull it towards your torso. Hold the position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise twice for both legs.

Exercise 3

Lie on your back. Stretch your right arm out to the side, at a right angle to your body. Stretch your left leg out so that it is straight. Try to stretch your right knee towards your left side, so that it almost touches your left hand. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise twice for both knees.

Exercise 4

Lie on your back and bend your left leg at the knee. Place the lower half of your right leg crosswise over your left thigh, with your knee pointing out sideways at a right angle. Carefully pull your left leg towards your head. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Switch the position of your legs and repeat.

Exercise 5

Lean on the floor on your using your right knee and stretch out your leg behind you. Your left leg should be bent at the knee. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise with the position of your legs changed.

Exercise 6

Lie on your right side. Bend your left leg at the knee, grasping your ankle with your left hand. Carefully pully on your ankle with your hand, thereby tensing the muscles in your left thigh. Your spine should not be bent to any great extent. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then lie on your left side and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 7

Stand arms’ length from a table. Bend your upper body forward, slightly bending your legs at the knees, to the point where you can touch the edge of the table with both hands. Your arms should be stretched out and your head at the level of your shoulders. Hold this position for ten seconds. Then stand up straight and bend your body to each side, one after the other.

Once you’ve done all this, we promise you’ll fee great!

Photo credit: Vera Golubeva

Sursa: brightside.me

Cum sa vorbesti cu un copil furios: 17 fraze de care copilul are mare nevoie sa i le spui

Toti copii au momente de iritare, chiar de manie. Iar comportamentul lor este perfect normal. Insa, nu toata lumea stie cum sa controleze atacurile de furie ale copiilor. Mai mult decat atat, acest comportament este aliment si prelungit de anumite fraze spune de parinte.

Cresterea frumoasa si armonioasa a copilului este precum o calatorie. Astfel ca, pentru astazi, m-am gandit sa ne oprit putin asupra frazelor de care copilul chiar are nevoie sa le auda de la tine! Mai ales atunci cand este suparat.

Data viitoare cand ne confruntam cu o criza de suparare, putem folosi una dintre urmatoarele afirmatii, in functie de situatie :

1. In loc de: “Nu mai trage de…. / nu mai arunca cu ….”
Poti folosi: “Ai aruncat cu jucariile si ma gandesc ca nu iti mai place sa te joci cu ele. Asta s-a intamplat?”

Imagineaza-ti aceasta tehnica drept o usa mica ce elibereaza sentimentele copilului, astfel incat emotiile / plictiseala  starea lui sa nu se manifeste sub forma de conflict. Aceasta tehnica de comunicare activa iti permite tie, acum, sa te intelegi cu copilul fara sa te enervezi si sa afli exact motivul comportamentului sau.

Dar este un exercitiu minunat pentru toate situatiile similare ce vor urma. Astazi arunca o jucarie, maine are un ton nepotrivit, poimaine refuza sa mearga la cursurile de inot. Intotdeauna este un motiv care influenteaza comportamentul.

Poate arunca jucariile prin casa intrucat s-a plictisit de ele.
Poate ai vorbit prea mult la telefon sau ai avut de scris la laptop si are nevoie de atentia ta.

De la “inaltimea” noastra, lucrurile par intr-un fel. Prin ochii copilului, insa, lucrurile se vad altfel. Iar tehnica de mai sus ii permite copilului sa-si exprime sau sa-si reformuleze gandurile altfel. Metoda are rezultate aproape de fiecare data. Pentru ca, odata verbalizate frustrarile sau nemultumirileparintele intelege motivul real, iar nevoia copilului este rezolvata.

2. In loc de: “Copiii mari nu plang / tipa sau Baietii cuminti nu plang / tipa”
Poti folosi: “Si noi, oamenii mari, ne mai simtim asa uneori. Inteleg de ce esti trist / nemultumit / suparat”

Sa fim seriosi! Si pe noi ne mai bufneste plansul uneori, enervati la culme de un coleg sau un sef uracios. Si noi ne enervam zilnic pe situatii pe care altii le-ar numi prostesti, dar care pentru noi conteaza. Atunci cand cineva ne spune ca ne consumam degeaba sau ca motivul supararii noastre e copilaresc nu ne ajuta cu nimic.

Din contra! Ne face sa nu mai vorbim – cel putin nu cu acea persoana – si sa acumulam frustrare si mai mare, pentru ca nu suntem ascultati si intelesi. Faptul ca cineva iti neaga supararea nu inseamna ca ea a trecut, nu?

Acelasi lucru se intampla si cu copiii. Intr-adevar, problemele lor comparativ cu ale noastre sunt infime. Dar in acel moment este un lucru important pentru ei si trebuie sa fim cel putin empatici.

3. In loc de: “Inceteaza cu plansul!”
Poti folosi: “Si eu ma lovesc uneori si ma doare tare! Hai sa exersam ragetul si sa punem stapanire pe durere”

Este o tehnica pe care o folosesc in ultima vreme cu Luca (3 ani si 7 luni). Ii place un serial difuzat de Disney Junior – “Garda Felina” – in care personajul principal, un pui de leu, a mostenit un raget puternic, cu ajutorul caruia sperie dusmanii si alte pericole.

Astfel, pentru ca a “vazut” puterea ragetului si pentru ca nu ii vorbesc despre lucruri abstracte, greu de imaginat pentru el – cum ar fi “gestionarea emotiilor noastre” – folosesc acest truc atunci cand se mai supara sau este chiar nervos.

Si am mai aflat ceva important! Studiile arata ca atunci cand ne lovim ne ajuta sa eliberam un strigat de durere. Tipatul intrerupe mesajul de durere care ajunge la creier. Astfel, cand copilul se loveste, l-ar putea ajuta sa strige de durere, decat sa se abtina.

4. In loc de: “Sa nu indraznesti sa (ma) lovesti!”
Poti folosi: “Inteleg ca esti suparat, dar nu te voi lasa sa (ma) lovesti. Nu facem rau, indiferent cat suntem de suparati!”

Este cel mai bun mesaj pe care il poti transmite copilului: ii recunosti emotia, ii accepti starea si ii confirmi ca este normal ceea ce simte. Insa, impulsul sau intentia de a lovi / a face rau nu este acceptata. Atunci cand este furios, ori se loveste, din instinct copilul vrea sa faca rau celui de langa el, sa sufere si celalalt. Insa, cu aceasta fraza il ajuti sa separe furia de actiune. Si ii va fi de foarte mare ajutor si pe viitor.

Cele mai periculoase 12 cuvinte pe care le poate auzi un copil de la parintii lui

5. In loc de: “Spala-te pe dinti acum!”
Poti folosi: “Vrei sa-i spalam dintii ursuletului si apoi pe ai tai?” sau “Vrei sa gadilam mai intai maselutele sau dintii din fata?”

Daca ai un copil mic sau prescolar stii, deja, foarte bine ca simpla rutina este foarte obositoare. Copilul va lua orice situatie pentru a-si impune controlul, pentru a face ca el. Iar razvratirea de acum este asupra activitatilor banale din rutina cotidiana: spalatul, imbracatul, stransul jucariilor, statul la masa, adormitul.

Te va ajuta sa vii cu optiuni (“mai intai ursuletul si apoi tu?”) sau sa transformi activitatea intr-un joc amuzant (“sa gadilam maselele”).

6. In loc de: “Ori mananci tot, ori te duci in camera ta si te culci flamand”
Poti folosi: “Cum putem face ca aceasta mancare delicioasa sa ajunga in burtica?

In chestionarul pe care l-am lansat in urma cu scurt timp (si pe care il mai poti completa AICI daca ai 2 minute la dispozitie), dintre cei 1.568 de parinti participanti, multi ne-au spus ca mancarea este una dintre problemele mari care genereaza discutii in casa.

Si, pentru ca problema nu se rezolva chiar atat de usor, iti recomand aceste articole:

Când copilul nu mănâncă. Cele mai frecvente greșeli ale părinților

Copilul e topit dupa dulciuri? Cum il ajuti sa renunte fara sa-l obligi

Transforma situatiile tensionate cu copilul in glume. 22 de fraze fermecate

7. In loc de: “Camera ta este un dezastru! Nu iesi de aici pana nu pui totul la loc”
Poti folosi: “Ce ai spune daca am face putina ordine in acest colt de camera. Te voi ajuta

In loc sa te concentrezi pe cei 10-12-14 metri patrati de dezordine – o sarcina descurajanta si pentru tine – atrage copilul oferindu-i o noua perspectiva a lucrurilor: un colt de camera. Iata, un colt de camera este destul de usor de curatat, nu? Si, astfel, ai sanse mult mai mari sa il faci sa colaboreze cu tine.

Apoi, daca folosesti si o clepsidra, un timer sau chiar alarma de la telefonul tau, faceti o mica intrecere, sa vedeti cate jucarii puteti strange in 5 minute.

Nu doar ca iti vei atinge obiectivul: de a face curat in camera, dar totul se va realiza cu calm si relaxare pentru amandoi, chiar daca vorbim despre curatenie. Este metoda ideala de care aveti nevoie amandoi!

8. In loc de: “Hai! Trebuie sa plecam acum! Imbraca-te odata!!!”
Poti folosi: “Ce trebuie sa faci / de ce ai nevoie pentru a fi gata de plecare?

Permite-i copilului sa se pregateasca de rutina zilnica in ritmul sau. Tu stii bine ca este mereu pe fuga si contratimp, ca ai nevoie de 3 minute sa te machiezi, 2 sa te imbraci, 5 sa mananci si inca 1 sa iesi pe usa. Copilul tau nu iti va urma niciodata programul, mai ales cand este atat de agitat si cand copilul se simte nepregatit, luat pe sus.

Astfel, dimineata – mai ales – repeta-i programul: mancam pana la ora … sau pana suna alarma de pe telefon. Apoi ne luam rucsacul, ne incaltam si plecam. Spune-i din timp sa se gandeasca daca ar dori sa ia cu el o jucarie si care este aceea. Alegeti de seara hainele sau alege-i tu seara doua variante de haine, iar dimineata lasa-l sa se imbrace cu una dintre cele doua optiuni.

Aici am un truc: pentru ca Luca a inceput gradinita acum doar 4 luni, dimineata inca este o perioada sensibila pentru el. Mi s-a intamplat sa nu aud mereu alarma, ori sa o mai aman, astfel ca m-am trezit in situatia in care sa fiu nevoita sa-l grabesc. Si a fost dificil. Dezbracatul de pijamale si imbracatul in hainele de gradinita ajungea sa dureze chiar si 15-20 de minute!

Asa ca am un truc pe care am de gand sa-l mai folosesc doar pentru o scurta perioada de timp: il imbrac cu hainele pentru gradinita inainte sa se trezeasca. M-am cronometrat si nu imi ia mai mult de 3 minute sa il dezbrac de pijamale si sa ii pun apoi toate hainutele pe el. Abia dupa aceea il trezeam.

Am mereu grija ca hainele lui si ale mele sa fie pregatite de seara, la fel si rucsacul.

9. In loc de: “Nu mai tipa”
Poti folosi: “Incearca sa imi spui cu vocea ta normala. Cand tipi nu inteleg ce zici

Copiilor le place galagia. Ce facuta de ei, desigur. Astfel ca ajung sa comunice tipand. De asemenea, tipetele sunt nelipsite dintr-o cliza de furie. Tocmai de aceea, asigura-te ca ii comunici copilului tau – in ambele situatii – ca mesajul il vei intelege atunci cand va folosi vocea lui normala. Rugandu-l sa repete folosind o voce calma, normala, il vei invata ca asa se procedeaza, indiferent de vulcanul de stari care este in interiorul nostru.

10. In loc de: “Nu te mai plange”
Poti folosi: “Te ascult. Putem gasi o solutie impreuna?

Din nou, tehnica face ca responsabilitatea sa fie in mana copilului. Tu esti un ghid, iar copilul este cel care isi cauta singur solutii, incurajat de atitudine ta intelegatoare.

11. In loc de: “De cate ori trebuie sa repet acelasi lucru?”
Poti folosi: “Observ ca nu m-ai auzit prima oara. Iti voi spune din nou si apoi te voi ruga sa-mi repeti

Prin aceasta metoda te asiguri ca mesajul tau a fost ascultat si inteles de copil. Coboara la nivelul lui, foloseste o voce calma atunci cand ii formulezi aceasta rugaminte.

„De cate ori sa-ti spun?!” 10 cauze de ce nu ne asculta copiii

10 sfaturi de la cel mai cunoscut pediatru ucrainean, dr. Komarovskii

12. In loc de: “Du-te la tine in camera”
Poti folosi: “Raman aici pana cand esti pregatit de o imbratisare

Mai sunt situatii cand, de nervi, iti vine sa ii spui copilului sa plece la el in camera. Insa, izolarea ii transmite mesajul ca este ceva rau cu el. Ofera-i spatiu pana cand este pregatit, asigura-l ca esti langa el, iar mesajul pe care i-l transmiti astfel este de siguranta.

13. In loc de: “Ma faci de rusine”
Poti folosi: “Hai sa mergem intr-un loc mai ferit si sa rezolvam problema asta

Sentimentul de rusine iti apartine in totalitate. Insa, aici nu mai este vorba despre tine. Este vorba despre el, despre sentimentele sale. In acelasi timp, voi doi sunteti o echipa! Tu ai grija de el, el are grija de tine. Astfel ca incearca sa nu atragi atentia asupra comportamentului sau nepotrivit atunci cand sunt si alte persoane de fata. Rusinea si vinovatia nu vor face decat sa incurce si mai mult situatia. Prin aceasta tehnica ii transmiti ca, indiferent de ceea ce face, esti acolo sa gasiti o rezolvare, fara sa il faci de rusine.

14. In loc de: “Esti imposibil!”
Poti folosi: “Acum treci printr-un moment dificil. Te inteleg. Hai sa vedem cum putem rezolva impreuna

Separa reactia copilului tau de sentimentele sale! Atunci cand si noi trecem prin momente dificile ne comportam mai putin frumos tocmai cu cei la care tinem cel mai mult. Pentru ca, in prezenta lor ne simtim in siguranta sa ne lasam prada emotiilor. Secretul nu este decat al mentinerii echipei, sprijinului. “Hai sa vedem ce solutii putem gasi impreuna!” ajuta mai mult decat o critica sau o etichetare a comportamentului.

15. In loc de: “Nu pot discuta cu tine acum”
Poti folosi: “Incep sa ma enervez. Ies din camera 1 minut sa ma linistesc si apoi ma intorc sa vorbim

Invata copilul faptul ca supararea este normala. Nu putem controla sentimentele si emotiile, dar putem controla modul in care reactionam in fata lor. Iar copilul invata mult prin observare. Astfel ca situatiile acestea, din viata reala, sunt cea mai buna lectie.

16. In loc de: “Opreste-te sa mai spui NU!”
Poti folosi: “Inteleg ca nu vrei asta. Hai sa vedem ce putem face / lua diferit

Atunci cand copilul refuza ceva sau iti spune NU!, iar tu ii raspunzi ca il intelegi, el se va linisti rapid. Pentru ca stie faptul ca tu l-ai inteles. In loc sa va certati pe Da si Nu, va concentrati pe o solutie. Este mult mai simplu si vei observa ca atitudinea rigida a copilului se va schimba rapid. S-a simtit ascultat, a vazut ca se incearca o solutie noua, nu este ignorat, sentimentele si vocea sa conteaza

17. In loc de sa suspini si sa-ti dai ochii peste cap
Poti folosi contactul vizual, aminteste-ti rapid lucrurile pe care copilul tau le face bine si zambeste-i

Sursa: centruldeparenting.ro

15 Exercises Every Woman Should Do to Improve Her Sex Life


You’re only one workout away from a better sex life! Not only can you lose weight, sculpt a strong, lean body and cause your endorphins to soar, but you can also count on exercise to make your time in the sack more enjoyable. Recent research indicates that improved body image as well as doing as little as 20 minutes of exercise a day enables you to enjoy sex more and become more sexually aroused. In addition to cardio and strength training, flexibility is crucial for better sex. It helps alleviate aches and pains and allows you and your partner to experiment with positions that otherwise may be difficult. The following slides provide a series of 15 exercises and stretches you can do to enhance your time under the covers.


1. Squats

Squats are great for toning and shaping the legs and booty. But all that blood pumping below the waist can also improve your ability to become aroused during sex. Plus, squats strengthen and prepare you for those times you’d like to be the one on top. HOW TO DO THEM: Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping the heels glued to the floor and most of your weight in your heels, initiate a bend at the waist first, then bend the knees, as if sitting into a chair. Be sure to keep the knees from passing in front of your toes to protect your knees and leg muscles from injury. Your shins should remain as vertical as possible throughout the exercise. You can also incorporate three- to five-pound weights and raise your arms to shoulder height as you squat down. Move up and down very slowly and do between 10 and 30 reps.

12 Essential Squat Variations to Try


2. Bridge Pose

Bridge pose is the precursor to pelvic tilts and Kegels (read on for more on both exercises). It strengthens the glutes, inner thighs and hamstrings and stretches the hip flexor. Because the pelvis is inverted, bridge pose awakens the pelvic-floor muscles and can reinforce the female sex organs. This can lead to stronger, more controlled orgasms. HOW TO DO IT: Begin on the floor on your back. Lengthen through your fingertips with your arms on the floor by your sides. With your feet hip-distance apart, bend your knees then slowly lift your buttocks off the floor. As you hold the posture, keep your knees from splaying out and press through your feet, your weight evenly distributed between your feet. Do not allow your feet to roll outward. Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds. Lower your spine one vertebra at a time, all the way down to the tailbone.

10 Yoga Moves to Remove Stress and Relax You at Bedtime


3. Pelvic Tilt Pulses

This exercise strengthens your core and lower back, which are used often during sex. Pelvic tilt pulses will also awaken the lower abdominal region and prepare your body for Kegels (another great exercise to enhance your sex life) and prepare your body for inverted positions. HOW TO DO THEM: Lie on the floor with your knees bent, feet hip-distance apart and arms, hands and fingertips flat on the floor. Pressing through your heels, lift your pelvis and glutes to bring your torso into a straight line (as in bridge pose). Hold your abs tight as you continue to press through the heels, squeeze the glutes and inner thighs and slightly pulse the pelvis up and down (just a couple of inches, not the full range of motion). Do 20 to 25 pulses, then slowly lower the spine, vertebra by vertebra, until you feel your tailbone touch the floor. Repeat, working up to three to five sets.

17 Exercises to Shape and Tone Your Booty


4. Kegels

The pelvic floor muscles play an integral part in orgasm, and Kegels are an easy way to improve the strength of those muscles. Additionally, they provide great sexual satisfaction and stronger orgasms (especially when Kegels are done during sex) by targeting the muscles that tighten and release during sex, making the entire experience more pleasurable for both you and your partner. HOW TO DO THEM: You can do Kegels anywhere – sitting, standing or lying down. Focus on tightening those pelvic floor muscles (as though you’re attempting to stop the flow of urine). Hold for three to five seconds and repeat. Do that for five minutes a day or throughout the day.

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5. Stability-Ball Pull-Ins

A strong core is essential in preventing injuries to your back when having sex. One of the best exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles and protect your back is the stability-ball pull-in. This exercise works your core (which provides a support system for your back) as well as your upper body, boosting your endurance for on-top positions. HOW TO DO THEM: Start in a plank position with your shins supported on a stability ball. Keep your arms straight and strong. Slowly roll the ball in, using your abs to bend your knees toward the floor as you drag the ball toward your chest. Slowly roll the ball back out as you straighten your legs. Keep your upper body and hips strong throughout the range of motion to prevent injuring your lower back. Don’t hunch your shoulders and lengthen through the crown of the head to be sure there is space between your head and shoulders. For an added challenge, lift one leg off the ball as you roll the ball forward with the other leg. Then switch legs. Do two to three sets of 10 reps.

The 15 Toughest Do-Anywhere Workout Moves


6. Plank Pose

Plank pose is one of the most effective ways to strengthen your entire body while focusing on your core. It not only increases your endurance and stamina at the gym but in the bedroom, too. HOW TO DO IT: Press your body straight, extending your legs back and keeping your arms strong. Think of keeping your body in a straight line from your feet to your head. Your pelvis is neither sagging too low nor elevated too high. Engage the abs, squeeze your inner thighs and butt cheeks together, tighten your quads and press your heels back so your feet are flexed. If you need to modify the pose, do your plank on your knees. Be sure your forearms are on the floor and your elbows are directly under your shoulders throughout the hold. For a more advanced version, raise one foot a few inches off the ground and hold for 10 seconds, then switch legs without compromising your form. Hold for at least 20 seconds and work up to two minutes at a time. Do one to 10 reps a day, depending on the length of your plank holds.

30-Day Ab Challenge


7. Open-Leg Rocker

“Open-leg rocker is essential for improving balance through core control and strength,” says Risa Sheppard, master Pilates certification trainer and founder of The Sheppard Method in Los Angeles. „As we strengthen our core, which includes the pelvic girdle, lower back and abdominals, it awakens not only the muscles, but all the pathways that help to enhance our sexual pleasure… [And] the open-leg portion of the exercise creates flexibility in the inner thighs, making various positions more accessible.” HOW TO DO IT: Sit upright with your knees bent into your chest, legs about shoulder-width apart. Lengthen through the crown of your head, roll your shoulders back and down and lift your chest so your back is strong. Grasp your ankles on the outside of the legs. Pull your naval deep into your spine and lean back until you are balanced on your tailbone with your feet off the floor. Straighten both legs toward the ceiling in an open V position and balance. To initiate the rocking, inhale, draw your naval to the spine and bring your chin to your chest. Keeping your head tucked, roll backward, stopping the action and reversing it before you get to your neck. Upon return, stop and balance on the tailbone, legs open and up toward the ceiling. If you need to modify the exercise, keep your legs bent.

Top 10 Pilates Exercises


8. Seated Leg Extensions

For many women, when the legs are fatigued during a workout, they may shake or quiver. This is a good thing while working out, but in the bedroom, not so much. You want to know you can count on your legs to go the distance. And seated leg extensions are a simple way to strengthen your legs and increase stamina. HOW TO DO THEM: Sit in a chair, roll your shoulders back and down and lift your chest. Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle with your feet flat on the ground. Make sure your ankles are directly under your knees. Grip the sides of the chair without hunching your shoulders or tightening your neck, upper back or shoulders. Keep the hips firmly planted on the chair as you lift and unbend one leg and lift the leg straight up slowly, until it reaches hip height. Slowly bring the foot back down. To modify the exercise, shorten your range of motion in the leg you are lifting, taking the leg half the distance. For an added challenge, lift both legs at once. Do at least two to three sets of 10 reps on each leg.

10 Machine-to-Free-Weight Swaps


9. Triceps Dips

Solid arm strength is crucial for many everyday tasks, but especially during sex. Working the triceps will strengthen and enable you to prop yourself up without tiring in underneath positions. HOW TO DO THEM: Sit with the heels of your hands on the edge of a sturdy chair, knuckles rolled down toward the ground to alleviate wrist strain. Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your legs at a 90-degree angle, making sure your ankles are directly below the knees (they can also be further out in front of the knees or completely straightened, if you’d like a challenge). Slowly slide your butt off the seat, supporting your weight with your hands and arms. Keeping the elbows facing directly behind you, bend the elbows and slowly lower your butt toward the floor. Keep the elbows pointing straight back behind you, and bend them to about a 90-degree angle (don’t overstretch the front of your shoulders by going too low to begin with). Slowly push back up until your arms are straight. Need more of a challenge? Hold your feet and legs in a figure-four position (one ankle sits on the other leg’s thigh, with the top foot flexed). Do five to 10 of these before switching legs.

Upper Body Workout Routines for the Gym


10. Push-Ups

Just like planks, push-ups strengthen your core, shoulders, glutes and legs with the added bonus of improved strength in your arms and chest. Also, the intensity that comes from doing push-ups will increase your stamina and endurance. HOW TO DO THEM: Start a plank position. Be sure your pelvis does not sag too low or lift too high (think about keeping your body as straight as a board). Inhale as you lower your chest until it almost touches the floor. Exhale as you press back up to the starting position. Avoid hunching your shoulders into your neck by lengthening out of the crown of the head to create space between you head and shoulders. To make push-ups easier, separate your feet to hip-distance apart or do push-ups on your knees. Or if you want to make them harder, place your feet on a step or bench.

30-Day Abs Challenge


11. Bridge Bench Press

Women who shy away from on-top positions during sex often do so because of the exertion involved. The bench press will definitely increase your arm and chest strength, but this variation takes it a step further by doing it while in bridge pose. Bridge wakes up those pelvic floor muscles (the ones that help control your orgasms), improving blood flow to the entire area and waking up the receptors that allow for more pleasure during sex. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your back with three- to five-pound dumbbells easily accessible. Bend your knees and keep your feet about hip-distance apart. Slowly lift your glutes up into bridge pose. Holding the dumbbells, bring your elbows out to the sides of your shoulders with your dumbbells up toward the ceiling, making a goal-post shape with your arms. Slowly press the dumbbells straight toward the ceiling, then slowly return back to the goal-post position. As a modification, try this on an incline bench and start with lower weights. Or for an added challenge, cross one leg over the other, ankle placed on the grounded leg’s thigh. Do half of your reps and carefully switch legs. Do 10 to 20 reps and release your bridge in between sets. When you are finished, lower one vertebra at a time, all the way down to the tailbone. Do three to five sets.


12. Upward-Facing Dog

Upward dog strengthens many of the muscle groups required by a wide variety of sex positions – the lower back, the glutes and the arms – while stretching the core, psoas and hip flexors. And yogis have long believed it to increase energy and blood flow to the pelvic region. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your belly with your legs hip-distance apart and the tops of your feet on the floor. Bring your hands to the sides of your chest and raise your torso by pressing through the hands. Lifting all the way up, roll your shoulders back and down, lengthening through the crown of the head so you don’t hunch your shoulders into your neck. Breathe regularly for about 15 to 30 seconds. If you’re advanced, your thighs should lift off the ground.

5 Yoga Poses to Firm the Butt


13. Happy Baby Pose

Happy baby is an excellent stretch for the lower back, glutes, hamstrings and hips. It’s also a great counter-stretch to upward dog, because it relaxes and opens tight lower-body muscles. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your back with knees bent in toward the chest, the soles of your feet flexed and parallel to the ceiling. Line your ankles up with your knees so your shins are vertical. Keep your tailbone down as you grab the outsides of your feet with your hands and pull them down so the knees move toward the floor on the outsides of your rib cage. Relax your neck and breathe deeply, lengthening the breath as you go. With each exhale, and without compromising form, pull the knees toward the floor. Hold this pose for three to five minutes.

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14. Seated Straddle Stretch

The average person sits at a desk most of the day, which constricts and stagnates the muscles in the pelvis and groin. Straddle increases blood flow to that area, which means increased sensation and easier orgasms. It also stretches the inner thighs, making you more flexible and ready to play with some more adventurous positions. HOW TO DO IT: Sit on the floor with your legs wide apart. Flex your feet and make sure your knees are pointing toward the ceiling. Roll your shoulders back, lengthen through the crown of the head and, while lifting the chest, slowly press your torso as far forward as you can comfortably go without rounding your back. Reach your hands to your calves, ankles or toes and breathe deeply. With each exhale, take your stretch a little deeper. Hold the position for five to 10 long breaths.

Yoga Poses for Flexibility


15. Reclined Butterfly Pose

This version of the yogic butterfly pose will open up your hips and stretch your inner thighs. It targets the muscles that are constantly stretched and challenged in a multitude of sexual positions, enabling you to be strengthened, loosened up and ready for your partner. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your back and, keeping the tailbone down, bend your legs toward your chest, soles of the feet together. Grab your feet and pull them toward your chest as you use your elbows to press the knees outward. Be careful not to let your head arch back too far. Keep the neck and spine relaxed. Hold this posture as you continue to press the knees outward for 15 to 20 seconds.

Yoga Poses to Help Bad Knees


What Do YOU Think?

Have you ever done any of these exercises? Have they had an impact on your sex life? Are there any others that you swear by to give you an extra boost in the bedroom? Share your experiences and suggestions in the comments below!

13 Exercises Every Man Should Do to Improve His Sex Life

Sursa: livestrong.com

13 Exercises Every Man Should Do to Improve His Sex Life


Want to give your sex life an added boost? It’s as simple as hitting the gym. Exercise increases energy, tones your muscles, burns fat and improves your mood and self-image. But for more reasons than you may know, exercise can also improve your sex life. For instance, research shows that if you burn as little as 200 additional calories a day, you can lower your risk of erectile dysfunction. In addition to cardio and strength training, stretching is also loosens you up, enabling you to experiment with different positions. So even if you already have a pretty great sex life, try incorporating these 13 exercises and stretches into your workout routine and reap the benefits in the bedroom.


1. Kegels

You read that right. Kegels are a beneficial exercise for men, too. They improve endurance and control by toning and strengthening the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles (the muscles that stop the flow of urine) and the perineal muscles (the muscles that support erectile rigidity and provide the power behind ejaculation). “Pelvic floor muscle training can prove helpful in many situations: overactive bladder, erectile dysfunction [and] premature ejaculation,” says Andrew L. Siegel, M.D., co-creator of the Private Gym pelvic floor muscle-training program for men. HOW TO DO THEM: Start by interrupting the flow of urine when going to the bathroom to get familiar with the PC muscles. Once you’re familiar with them, your goal will be to progressively increase the squeeze duration, intensity and number of reps until you tire. But when you do them, don’t hold your breath, push down or tighten your stomach, buttocks or thigh muscles. Work up to five-second squeezes, relaxing in between each contraction, for 10 to 20 reps.

How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction Without Medication


2. Plank Pose

Holding a plank is one most effective ways to increase your endurance and stamina at the gym and in the bedroom. Planks give your arms staying power for missionary or other on-top positions. They also strengthen your core, which helps to improve thrust and supports your back to prevent injury. HOW TO DO IT: Start at the top of a push-up with your hands shoulder-width apart, arms strong and pelvis level. Think of your body as a solid wooden plank. While there, engage the abs, squeeze the inner thighs and butt cheeks together, tighten the quads and press the heels back so the feet are flexed. Hold for at least 20 seconds and work up to two minutes at a time. Do one to 10 reps a day, depending on the length of your plank holds. You can modify the pose by doing your plank on your knees, keeping the arms fully extended to the floor or by doing plank on your forearms. For an added challenge, place one foot heel to toe on top of the other and hold for 10 seconds, and then switch legs without compromising form in the rest of your body.

30-Day Ab Challenge


3. Stability-Ball Crunches

This variation of the standard abdominal crunch requires balance and stability and targets your core. A stronger core improves your thrusting ability and strengthens your back, which can often be injured during sex, and the ability to balance in a variety of sex positions. HOW TO DO THEM: Place your middle to lower back on a large stability ball, with your feet (about hip- or shoulder-distance apart) planted firmly on the floor. Place your fingertips behind the nape of your neck, roll the shoulders back and slowly, while lifting through the chest, raise your upper body until your abdominal muscles tighten. Take it as high as you can manage without compromising form. Slowly return to your starting position and repeat. Work up to three sets of 30 crunches.

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4. Lying Leg Raises

Lying leg raises provide an intense core workout, which helps improve thrust and provide mild engagement in the quads and glutes, helping you last longer in upright positions. HOW TO DO THEM: Lie flat on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you. If you have any back issues, fold a towel and put it under the small of your back. With precision and control, raise your straight legs up toward the ceiling and stop when your legs are perpendicular to your body and the floor. Then, slowly lower your legs back down until they are about an inch off the floor. If the exercise feels too easy, try to lower more slowly. Repeat five times then rest for 30 seconds. Start with three sets and increase repetitions and sets as you get stronger. To modify this exercise, start with your legs bent at the knees and calves parallel to the floor. From there, straighten the legs to the ceiling then slowly lower the legs back into the bent-knee position. Lower your bent legs toward the floor until the toes are an inch from the ground. Return to the start and repeat.

3 Cardinal Rules of Fast Six-Pack Abs


5. Push-Ups

Push-ups strengthen your upper body and core, providing increased all-around endurance and enabling you to rock those on-top positions during sex. If you commit to doing them regularly, you’ll notice a difference in your staying power, your ability to maintain a strong thrust and your overall core and upper-body strength during sex. HOW TO DO THEM: Begin in a plank position, hands directly under the shoulders and feet hip-distance apart. Do not allow your pelvis to sag too low or lift too high. Lower your chest to the floor and slowly press back up. Do as many of these as you can manage at least twice a week. To modify, take your feet slightly wider apart or drop to your knees, keeping a solid plank position from your neck to your knees. For added intensity, bring your feet together and your hands in slightly. Try adding a clap between push-ups or do one-armed push-ups if you’re feeling really strong.

30-Day Push-Up Challenge


6. Stability-Ball Bench Press

The bench press strengthens the pecs, deltoids, forearms, biceps, triceps, lats and abdominals, especially when done on a stability ball. That increased muscle mass and decrease in fat (though regular exercise and a healthy diet) not only makes you look and feel better, it will also prepare your body for whatever you and your partner choose to do between the sheets. HOW TO DO THEM: Place your middle to lower back on a large stability ball with your feet planted firmly on the floor about hip- or shoulder-distance apart. From a goal-post position, push a pair of dumbbells (start with 20 pounds and increase from there) straight up, directly over the chest. Do three sets of 25 reps. Being on the stability ball will provide the added core and balance workout – also great for enhancing your bedroom performance!

Get Superhero Arms With Ascending Trisets


7. Squats

Because squats are known to increase testosterone levels and to increase blood flow to the pelvic region (making orgasms more intense), they’re an incredible exercise for enhancing sex. They’ll also strengthen your lower body for a more powerful thrust both while you’re on top and while your partner is on top. HOW TO DO THEM: With a dumbbell in each hand held straight down at your sides, bend at the hips and knees to squat as low as you can while keeping your back straight. Keep your shins as vertical as possible and your knees directly over your ankles. As you lower, slowly raise your arms straight out in front of you to shoulder height. Drive through the heels and you will naturally lean forward a bit in the upper body for balance. Slowly rise to standing as you lower your arms back down to your sides to complete one rep. Do at least 15 reps.

12 Essential Squat Variations to Try


8. Stationary Lunges

Lunges in general are great for building strength, endurance, mobility, balance and core stability. But lunges also increase blood flow to your pelvic region, enhancing your action in the bedroom. They’ll help out when you could use an extra dose of balance and hip flexor mobility or when you’d like to go a little longer. HOW TO DO THEM: Stand up straight and tall – holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides for added intensity – then step one foot forward about a foot and a half. Bend both knees to 90 degrees, stopping when your back knee is about an inch from the ground. Be sure to keep your front knee doesn’t pass over your front toes. Drive through the front heel to stand back up. Do 15 reps before switching legs or alternate legs as you go.

11 Simple Ways to Add Variety to Your Strength-Training Routine


9. Interval Training

Doing interval training will increase your stamina and endurance. And you can do intervals just about anywhere – outside on a track, at the park or on a bike, elliptical, stair climber or treadmill. HOW TO DO IT: After your warm-up, start your intervals at full speed, going as hard and fast as you can, and push yourself for at least 30 seconds. Then back off for a minute or two. Repeat this several times. Add these to your workout a couple of times a week and soon you’ll be ready to go longer or be ready whenever your partner wants to go again.

The Optimal Training Program to Build Strength and Performance in 4 Weeks


10. Upward-Facing Dog

Upward-facing dog is a yoga pose that stretches the core, psoas and hip flexors, increasing energy and blood flow to the pelvic area. This stretch also protects your lower back for any heavy lifting you do at the gym or bedroom. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your belly with your legs hip-distance apart and the tops of your feet on the floor. Bring your hands to the sides of your chest and lift your torso by pressing through your hands. Lifting all the way up, roll your shoulders back and down, lengthening through the crown of your head so you don’t hunch the shoulders into the neck. Breathe regularly for 15 seconds or longer. If you are advanced, your thighs will lift off the ground.

10 Yoga Moves to Remove Stress and Relax You at Bedtime


11. Seated Straddle Stretch

If you sit at a desk or work at a computer for hours a day, it can constrict and stagnate the muscles below the waist. Doing a straddle stretch will loosen things up, bringing blood flow back to the pelvic and groin region. Increased blood flow means increased sensation, which means better orgasms. It’s also an excellent inner-thigh stretch, which will enable you to introduce some adventurous positions in the sack. HOW TO DO IT: Sit on the floor with your legs wide apart. Flex your feet and make sure your knees are pointing up toward the ceiling. Roll your shoulders back, lengthen through the crown of the head and slowly lean as far forward as you can comfortably go while keeping your back straight. Reach for your calves, ankles or toes and breathe deeply. With each exhale, take your stretch a little deeper without curving or hunching your back. Hold the position for five to 10 long breaths.

Yoga Poses for Flexibility


12. Reclined Butterfly Pose

This stretch loosens up your inner thighs and your hips, the muscles that are constantly stretched and challenged in a variety of sexual positions. By adding the butterfly stretch to your workout, you’ll be strong, loosened up and ready for action! HOW TO DO IT: Lie down on your back and bend your legs in toward your chest, soles of the feet together and your tailbone down. Grab your feet and pull them in toward your chest as you use your elbows to press the knees out. Be careful not to let your head arch too far back. Keep your neck and spine relaxed. Hold this posture as you continue to press the knees outward for 15 to 20 seconds.

Yoga for Runners


13. Twisting Forward Bend

This two-part stretch will feel like a full rejuvenation to a lot of those muscles that tend to fatigue easily. It reaches the inner thighs, hamstrings, obliques, pecs, triceps and lats. If you only do part one, you’ll notice a huge difference, but try both if you can. HOW TO DO IT: Sitting on the floor, extend your left leg out straight, tucking the bottom of the right foot flat against the left inner thigh (right thigh flat on the floor). Twist your torso so your chest is squared toward your bent right knee. Wrap your right arm toward the back and around the back of the waist and try to grab hold of your left thigh with your right hand. Take your left arm/hand and reach for your calf, ankle or toes, without bending your left knee. Roll the right shoulder back and open the chest by pushing the middle back forward. Breathe and hold this stretch for several seconds up to a minute. For the second part, release your right arm and move it slowly up toward the ceiling and around toward the toes. As you do that, take the crown of the head toward your toes. Bring your right palm down toward the floor and, with each breath, lengthen through the right fingertips toward your left toes. Breathe and hold for about 30 seconds. Slowly rise, bring both legs forward to shake them out and switch sides.

Yoga Postures to Help Bad Knees


What Do YOU Think?

Have you ever done any of these exercises with the intention of improving your sex life? Are there others you’ve tried? Share your experiences and suggestions with the Livestrong community in the comments below.

15 Exercises Every Woman Should Do to Improve Her Sex Life

Sursa: livestrong.com

Cum sa cresti un copil rezistent emotional. 20 de tehnici simple si de efect

Anul trecut, un studiu realizat pe 1.600 de adolescenti a aratat doua trasaturi pe care le aveau in comun cei mai rezistenti din punct de vedere emotional. Acesti copii au raspuns afirmativ la aceste doua enunturi:

1. Am parinti care tin la mine
2. Am parinti care ma asculta.

Studiul, realizat in Australia de Andrew Fuller, un renumit psiholog de copii si adolescenti, a dezvaluit, astfel, de unde porneste rezistenta emotionala a copilului si ce trebuie sa-i oferi tu, ca parinte.

Oricat de mult ai incerca sa-l protejezi, la un moment dat, copilul tau va fi ranit emotional: poate va fi necajit la scoala de alti copii, ori prietenii il vor lua peste picior pentru ca nu are cel mai nou model de telefon. Copiii pot fi destul de rai, iar al tau poate ajunge sa sufere din motive care tie ti se par banale.

Tocmai de aceea, trebuie sa-l inveti cum sa fie puternic pentru a face fata mai usor provocarilor.

Iata 20 tehnici simple prin care tu iti poti ajuta copilul sa fie puternic:

1. Nu-i mai spune “Sunt ocupat! Am treaba! Nu pot acum”. Pentru un copil, dragostea nu se traduce prin cadouri, ci prin timp si atentie.

2. Inchide telefonul mobil, tableta, laptopul, televizorul si ofera-i copilului tau timp de calitate, sansa unei comunicari adevarate.

3. Atunci cand ii vorbesti, priveste-l in ochi.

4. Asculta-l cu adevarat! Nu-l intrerupe, fii interesat de ceea ce spune.

5. Nu renunta la ora de povesti, inainte de somn.

6. Fii calm. Sau propune-ti sa fii mult mai calm decat esti acum.

7. Petrece timp doar tu cu el, mai ales daca in casa mai sunt si alti frati. Momentul de 1 la 1 este foarte important. Pentru ca atunci cand vine vorba despre subiecte delicate este foarte putin probabil sa vorbeasca in prezenta altor persoane.

8. Ofera-i multe imbratisari si mangaieri.

9. Zambeste-i de fiecare data cand te cheama, cand te intreaba ceva.

10. Fa-ti timp sa nu faci nimic. Stati cu totii relaxati, fara a fi presati de un program.

11. Cand lucrurile sunt complicate, nu le complica si tu mai mult. Daca ai un copil care plange nervos, pastreaza-ti calmul. Daca te enervezi, nu vei rezolva nimic. La fel si in situatiile in care esti pus in fata unui comportament mai dificil al copilului. Tu esti adultul si trebuie sa dai dovada de maturitate, maiestrie si finete in astfel de situatii.

12. Ofera libertate! Daca mergeti la restaurant, lasa-l sa-si comande singur. Incurajeaza-i independenta si fii mai mult un ghid si un observator atent, nu un conducator.

13. Scrie de mana mici biletele vesele, ori cu mesaje de afectiune sau incurajare.

14. Jucati-va pe covor, stati pe iarba. Prima si cea mai importanta punte de legatura cu copilul este prin joc.

15. Pastreaza toate cadourile pe care le primesti: de la castane, felicitari stangace, flori de camp. Pastreaza ceea ce iti daruieste si tine cadoul la vedere. Va simti ca il apreciezi mult.

16. Spune-i “Te iubesc!”. Nu-ti fie teama de aceste cuvinte si, in niciun caz, jena sa iti arati sentimentele. Pana la urma, este copilul tau si el merita cel mai mult aceste cuvinte.

17. Arata-i ca-l iubesti.

18. Arata-i ca-l respecti.

19. Fii mereu acolo pentru el, la orice ora

20. Nu tipa la el, nu-l pedepsi, nu-l brusca, nu-l jigni atunci cand iti spune ca a facut ceva.


Sursa: all4romania.eu


Toti ne întrebam daca exista metode prin care putem deosebi mierea contrafacuta de cea autentica. Raspunsul este: da, exista cateva secrete ale mierii si cateva mituri despre aceasta pe care trebuie neaparat sa le stim daca vrem sa ne bucuram de un produs de calitate si de beneficiile lui.

1. Mierea cristalizata este stricata. Fals!

Mierea nu se strica. Niciodata. Ea fermenteaza daca este culeasa inainte de capacire sau este depozitata necorespunzator. Dar de regula, CITESTE IN CONTINUARE
Sursa: cyd.ro
Articol relatat de: secretele.com